Jennifer Miree Cope Explains Why You Shouldn’t Build Mulch Volcanoes Around Your Trees

Jennifer Miree Cope
3 min readApr 20, 2022
Photo by Faith Crabtree on Unsplash

This article was originally published on Tech Bullion.

When it comes to landscaping your yard, mulch is a critical part of the design process. As Jennifer Miree Cope details, mulch can add borders and details to your yard that significantly improve the appeal. Mulch can also prevent weeds and promote healthy plant growth.

One common but unfortunate practice is the placement of “mulch volcanoes” around trees. A mulch volcano is an elevated mound of mulch around the base of the tree. While this can create a visually appealing look, it is bad for the health of the tree for several reasons.

This article explains three reasons why you shouldn’t build mulch volcanoes around your trees and also explores the right way to mulch a young tree.

1. Improper Root Formation

Tree roots are perhaps the most important part of a young tree’s development. When a tree does not develop healthy roots, it is nearly impossible to save it, and more than likely, the tree will die and need to be removed.

The best thing you can do for a young tree is to ensure that it has room to develop healthy roots. A tree’s roots grow in a flat pattern outward, so the mulch surrounding it should follow this pattern.

Mulch volcanoes can encourage tree root growth in the wrong areas, and prevent tree roots from growing outward, which is critical to the tree’s health.

2. Retains Too Much Moisture

Trees are resilient plants, but they can be sensitive to water levels and moisture. Lack of sunlight and excess moisture are common causes of tree death. The tree’s trunk is especially sensitive to excessive moisture.

While mulch around a tree can help it retain the moisture it needs to grow, too much mulch can result in too much moisture. When you build a mulch volcano around a tree, moisture builds up around the base of the tree, as it is not able to escape the mulch.

3. Promotes Fungal Growth

Trees, especially young trees, are highly sensitive to fungus. For this reason, you should take action to avoid the development of fungi in your yard at all costs. Unfortunately, mulch volcanoes are breeding grounds for fungus.

The pile of mulch tends to build up moisture, which is exactly the type of environment fungus thrives in. Once the fungus develops and makes its way to the base of your young tree, it is unlikely that the tree will be able to recover and thrive.

The Right Way to Mulch a Young Tree

According to Jennifer Miree Cope, the best way to mulch a young tree is to create a flat surface around the base of the tree. If you really want the volcano look, you can achieve this look by first creating a small mound of dirt before you plant the tree. This setup will allow the tree to sit slightly elevated without being suffocated by surrounding mulch.

Who Is Jennifer Miree Cope?

Jennifer Miree Cope graduated from Vanderbilt University in 1985 with a degree in Electrical Engineering. Renowned for her passion and talent as a landscape designer, Jennifer’s associates often praise her for being organized and thorough. When not hiking in the mountains of North Carolina, attending University of Alabama sporting events, or exercising, Jennifer is often volunteering with one of the many charitable endeavors supported by Independent Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama: STAIR tutoring, Holiday House, or the Children’s Fresh Air Farm.



Jennifer Miree Cope

Jennifer Miree Cope, based out of Birmingham, AL, is a landscape designer best known for transforming outdoor spaces.